Sunday, December 7, 2014

Relating to the Campus Sustainability Master Plan...

After perusing the Campus Master Plan for making Furman University carbon-neutral by 2026, while many courses of action will most certainly help to reach this goal, the most important parts of the plan are goals 1 through 3. These goals relate first to initiating a sustainability major, then raising awareness of sustainability initiatives being taken and making more of these initiatives and classes available to the student body as a whole to breed a campus wide mentality of conservation. The critical part of these goals is the educational element. Education through hands on experience, rather than through a top down method, is the best way to ensure students are invested in what they are learning. By extending the education of sustainable practices to the whole student body, conservation becomes a natural part of being a Furman student rather than something that just EES or SUS majors do. This will help bring about more widespread change at a faster rate, and since the actual "living" part of sustainable living is being carried out by the students themselves, they will be more invested in these practices and will be more likely to carry them on after college. 

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